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Simplify Function Generation in Elixir with Macros

In Elixir, generating functions can be a powerful technique that goes beyond its applications in Matrix Testing.

OpenTelemetry Tail Sampling Replacement

Our team was interested in sending our traces and spans from our Elixir services to an opentelemetry-collector service, which would then sample and send them to Datadog.

The pganalyze Postgres Query Planner Presentation

The pganalyze team held a webinar on 2023-03-29 called “How to use the Postgres query planner to debug bad plans and speed up queries”.

On the Unreasonable Effectiveness of NULL Checks

If you filter for values on a NULLABLE column, strongly consider adding a NOT NULL check as well.

Matrix Testing in Elixir

Matrix, or data-driven, tests apply a list of scenarios to a test template.

Write WET Code then use Elixir macros to DRY it up

How do we add new capabilities to our codebase while keeping it manageable?